It's been a kind of a strange day today. Last might was a complete wash-out. I've been having weird headaches that totally wipe me out, and yesterday brought one of them. I've had them since I was a little girl, usually 2 or 3 a month. I suspect they must be hormone related because I don't get them when I'm pregnant and they've only just come back after having A. The best way to describe how I feel with them is BLECH.
This morning brought what I like to call a headache hangover - no more headache, just a general feeling of malaise. It seems to have spread over the whole household. F has been acting up since yesterday morning, when we made the unwise move to having his swimming and sports lessons all on the same day. It appears his little head can't handle all that at once. R is spending the day doing his UK taxes. Yes, the poor man has the joyous task of having to submit taxes not once, but twice. We end up getting hammered on the US taxes because of our immigration situation, so it really irks when we end up owing the UK too (which we shouldn't this year, because things have been running at a slight loss over there).
It's my mum's birthday today, and when I phoned her, all my aunties, uncles and cousins were there helping her to celebrate. It made me kind of homesick, and also brought the familiar dread when I contemplate our move back to Scotland. We've been away so long, it feels like everything as changed over there, and we'll have to take our time to acclimatize again. I used to keep up with all the political ins and outs, now all I know is gleaned from the BBC headlines. To be honest, that's the least of our worries. The property boom in Scotland is still going on and I frequently wonder where we're going to end up living. Oh, and there's the small issue of me being out of the work market for four years, so how will I ever get back in? Circular worries without any conclusion.
When A wakes up from her afternoon nap I'll take the kids out on a long walk to try and blow the cobwebs away.
R has just come in and told me that the UK tax people owe us the princely sum of one pound. There you go, a little bright spot.
I have done some knitting. I've started a jumper for F's birthday at the end of the month. I'd take a picture of it, but the only person who would be interested in an expanse of green stocking stitch would be F himself. It's got a patterned yoke, though, so things should get more fun when I get that far.